Premium Program in Action

This is an example of the Premium Program in action. Glen is a tradie in his mid-fifties and Joanne is a teachers aid and a tad younger. Their combined income is $135,000, they have two adult children who are financially independent of them (one still at home) and have combined super balance of $500,000. They […]
Farm Succession

With tax planning in full swing, our farmers have been coming in to not only discuss their tax/financial positions, but their succession concern. The generation who took over the family farm in the 1990s and 2000s are at the age where they are looking to see who is going take over the reins of the […]
Expectations of Retirement

It’s interesting talking to people about their financial future and their wish age for retirement. Certainly, the price of housing is having an impact on those expectations for retirement. People aged between 18 to 35 years of age (“The Start Age”) wish to retire under 60 years of age, those between 35 to 50 years […]
Selling the Business – Not The Result You Expected

Small business is the driving force of any economy. But many small business owners are disappointed with the valuation of their business when they come to sell it. What is really disappointing are the business values for those with a turnover between $2,000,000 to $20,000.000 who find themselves in no man’s land when they want […]
Control Your Cash Flow

One of the most common frustrations business owners have is control of their cash flow. We often hear comments like: “I wish my bank account looked like my profit and loss – where did it all go? It’s not as if we live lavishly, we don’t go on overseas holidays or dine out every night!” […]
Outsourcing – The Elephant in the Room

Outsourcing – The Elephant in the Room There is not an industry in Australia which does not have a component of their services or product supplied from overseas. It began when manufactured goods were moved offshore to South East Asia. Now, legal services, dental procedures, dental surgery, medical surgery, medical operations, engineering plans, architectural plans, […]
The Face of Farming is Changing

As the next generation takes over, the face of farming is changing. Benefiting from a longer education, being technologically savvy and having open minds to new ideas, the younger generation is spending less time working on the farm and yet increasing farm profitability. The role information technology has played in this revolution should not be […]